Through a decade of continuous thorough researches of its own core technologies, MinFound Medical also have paid attention to the clinical application of the systems. The solutions MinFound Medical developed for medical imaging can satisfy various clinical demands and requirement.
With an integration of a work flow automation algorithm platform and ultra-wide 16 cm spherical detector, QuantumEye 789 can facilitate to performing not only routine or advanced clinical diagnostics tasks, but go further and expand the visualization borders with extensive research imaging capabilities. Its wide coverage empowers a One Scan in One Beat, and in a One Rotation.
The CT solution with extensive cardio capabilities features a 64 row patented ScintiStar detector. The system’s hardware is meticulously designed to achieve excellent clinical results with high-quality images, while remain maintenance-friendly. The ECG gating technology and real-time waveform analysis detect arrhythmia and abnormalities automatically, ensuring that a normal heartbeat is captured for cardiac imaging. The unparalleled multi-phase cardiac imaging makes it possible to achieve 39 ms time resolution, therefore significantly smoothens cardiac scans, even with the condition of rapid heartbeat.
The most versatile CT solution with 8 configurations is widely popular in different ranges of clinics. The hardware of this CT scanner allowed to implement the comprehensive capability of wide clinical applications.
Head Scan: Meningioma
Chest Scan: Interstitial changes, bronchiectasis
Hematoma with mass effect in left basal ganglia
MinFound Medical has become the first manufacturer in China to massively produce digitalized PET detector. Independently researching and developing the best technology for the avant-garde PET/CT system and accomplishing the realization of the fully digital PET detector with TOF technology, both PET/CT solutions have wide clinical capabilities ranges.
Intrapulmonary ectopic goiter, Male, 52 yr
Stomach cancer, Female, 67yr, 155cm, 75.7kg
Lung cancer, Female, 73 yr, 54 kg
Also implements radiotherapy treatment planning